Westbury Union Free district continues to excel in many aspects. As we value academics and sports achievement, we also value expression through music. Senior Bradley Armand is one of these talented students earning acknowledgement. Bradley has received the honor of being named an All State Tuba. He also is an all county participant of three years. Outside of school Bradley volunteers his talent, showing it to his community a prime example of that Dragon Spirit. When asked Bradley stated “I had to overcome a lot of obstacles but with hard work, dedication and guidance I was able to make it to the all state 2024 conference. Not to mention that I couldn’t have achieved this without the leadership of the one and only Mr.Rubenstein. “I’m grateful for the guidance of my Westbury educators.”
At Westbury High School we are honored to have teachers dedicated to instructing our students to do their best each and every day. Bradley also is Tri-M president continuing to dedicate his time to his passion and studies. He has also participated in Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, as well as the Nassau Suffolk Wind Symphony. Director, teacher and mentor, Mr.Rubenstein expresses “I want to just congratulate him on this major achievement. To be the first student from the Westbury District to make all state in 30 years is incredible. It’s truly an honor to witness what a Westbury Student can achieve in real- time.” At Westbury High School we are delighted to say that Bradley A. is one of our students. We wish Bradley the best.